Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral Research Assistants in Climate Physics at the Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford.
The posts are available initially for a fixed-term duration of 30 months, with the possibility of extension by up to a further 6 months.
These positions will be part of the Horizon Europe project ‘European Eddy-Rich Earth System Model’s (EERIE) under the Horizon Europe Guarantee.
This exciting initiative has partners from 17 institutes from across Europe and beyond. EERIE aims to reveal and quantify the role of ocean mesoscale processes in shaping the climate trajectory over seasonal to centennial time scales. To this end the consortium will develop a new generation of Earth System Models (ESMs) that are capable of explicitly representing a crucially important, yet unexplored regime of the Earth system – the ocean mesoscale. Leveraging the latest advances in science and technology, EERIE will substantially improve the ability of such ESMs to faithfully represent the centennial-scale evolution of the global climate, especially its variability, extremes and how tipping points may unfold under the influence of the ocean mesoscale.
Interested? Read the complete job description here.