Reducing carbon footprint of climate modelling


Barcelona Supercomputing Center's Mario Acosta will talk about reducing the carbon footprint of climate modelling in a new EERIE, WarmWorld and nextGEMS online seminar hosted by University of Reading's Pier Luigi Vidale. Join the session

General Assembly 2024


EERIE scientists will discuss the progress of the project on November 5-6 during the 2024 General Assembly. It will be an online event.

General Assembly at ETH Zürich

ETH Zurich Rämistrasse 101, Zürich, Switzerland

EERIE participants will convene in-person for the second time. After a successful General Assembly at the AWI Headaquarters in Bremerhaven (Germany) in November 2023, this time EERIE associate partner ETH Zürich will be hosting the meeting in its premises in the Swiss city.