
Hist-1850 vs hist-1950 + Overview of Met Office’s eddy-rich piControl simulation

Influence of winter atmospheric circulation on Antarctic sea ice loss / Sea ice melt driven by...

'How resolving the mesoscale might matter for large scale climate projections', by Robert Wills.

'CMIP7 and beyond: opportunities for high resolution', by Helene Hewitt

'Earth System Modelling: Small Scales, Big Hopes', by Andreas Prein

#EERIE25 General Assembly summary

The EERIE Quest Awards at #EERIE25

Group Photo at #EERIE25

#EERIE25 - Day 1

eyes on the sea ice

Southern Annular Mode Persistence and Westerly Jet / The fate of freshwater around Greenland

Machine Learning methods used in EERIE
'EERIE Phase 1 Frontier Simulation: IFS-FESOM', by Rohit Ghosh (AWI).
'Drivers of Extreme Precipitation Simulations in CESM-HR and CESM-LR', by Ping Chang
The North Atlantic mean state / Contribution of eddy variability / AMOC at different resolutions
The influence of ocean mesoscale on convective storms & Eddy-ice interaction under Antarctic sea ice
a tail wind tale
Reducing carbon footprint of climate modelling
Efficient spin-up of Earth System Models using sequence acceleration
Eddy activity in the high-latitude Southern Ocean and its response to climate change
EERIE at EGU Special Session (part 2)
Inter-model differences in the representation of the AMOC forcing of the NAO
Science Hour #10 – EERIE at EGU Special Session
An Eddy-Rich Story
Impact of model resolution on the representation of deep-water formation and its link with the AMOC
DOs and DON'Ts in a Hackathon
Science Hour #7 - Mesoscale air-sea coupling from Eulerian and Lagrangian perspectives
Eddy activity in the Arctic projected to surge in a warming world, with Xinyue Li (AWI).
Big Brother is watching... #EERIE23.
Science Hour #6 - An EERIE Santa Cloud
"How Climate Change is Changing Climate Modeling", by Bjorn Stevens.
"From Climate Science to Climate Risk to Climate Solutions", by Julie Pullen.
#EERIE23 General Assembly and Hackathon Summary (with subtitles)
EERIE project hackathon 2023
Polar Evening at #EERIE23 General Assembly.
Science Hour #5 - Pre-Hackathon Information and Q&A
A Most Terrifying Halloween Story - EERIE...GAMI!
Science Hour #4 - The use of the ESGF portal to screen and download data of Pre-EERIE simulations
Science Hour #3 - Use of IFS-FESOM and ICON km-scale data
Science Hour #2 - Introduction to Levante and easy.gems
Science Hour #1 - Introduction to JASMIN and datasets
EERIE Kick-Off Meeting Bloopers
EERIE Kick-Off Meeting
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