

For legal purposes, the providers of this website is the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI, EERIE Project Office) and Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions (EERIE Press Office).

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Alfred Wegener Institute
Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven
+49 471 4831-2298

Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions
8 Benidorm St
39005 Santander
+34 942 764 410

The content of all web pages of this website is protected by copyright. All illustrations and images on the websites of the EERIE Project may not be copied, reproduced or distributed without permission from AWI and Predictia. A change of the metadata of the images in not permitted.

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The EERIE Project authorises the following free use of images in the News and Media section of this website for editorial journalistic publications under the following conditions:The images used illustrate contributions about the work of EERIE project-related stuff.

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In general, the EERIE Project does not grant permission to use images on this website for the following purposes:

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