Kick-Off Meeting


  The European Eddy-Rich Earth System Models (EERIE) project kicked-off on 23rd February 2023 with the aim to produce more reliable climate simulations and projections to 2100 by including realistic representations of the ocean mesoscale together with atmospheric weather and climate extremes.   You may watch the meeting highlights here and read more about it …

Science Hour – Pre-Hackathon Information and Q&A


Nikolay Koldunov will host the fifth EERIE Science Hour, providing pre-EERIE Hackathon information and taking questions from the audience . The session can be joined by those interested via this link.

EERIE 2023 General Assembly

Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Am Handelshafen 12, Bremerhaven, Germany

EERIE participants convene in-person for the first time after an online kick-off meeting in February 2023 Page of the event:

1st EERIE Hackathon

Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Am Handelshafen 12, Bremerhaven, Germany

The AWI venue in Bremerhaven will host the first hackathon of the project, starting on the very same day the General Assembly closes. Page of the event:

Science Hour #7


Dian Putrasahan (MPI-M) and Malcolm Roberts (Met Office) will host the seventh Science Hour, on Mesoscale air-sea coupling from Eulerian and Lagrangian perspectives. The session can be joined by those interested via this link.

Joint EERIE-MEDLEY session

IMAG Building 700 Av. Centrale, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, Grenoble, France

EERIE will co-host a session during the MEDLEY final meeting following the annual DRAKKAR meeting. Malcolm Roberts (Met Office and member of the EERIE Coordination Team) will deliver an online talk: "Eddy rich coupled ocean models in the climate system: EERIE and HighResMIP", followed by a discussion: "Which metrics to assess eddy rich ocean models?" …

Science Hour #8


BSC's Eneko Martín-Martínez will host will host the eighth Science Hour on the impact of model resolution on the representation of deep-water formation and its link with the AMOC. Recent supercomputing power improvements and a new generation of more efficient high-resolution climate models have enabled us to explore climate variability and change with coupled models …