Science Hour #11 – Inter-model differences in the representation of the AMOC forcing of the NAO
OnlineOn May 2, 2024, BSC’s Rein Haarsma will be hosting the 11th EERIE Science Hour, on inter-model differences in the representation of the AMOC forcing of the NAO. Join the session
Science Hour #12 – EERIE at EGU Special Session (part 2)
OnlineSeveral EERIE project scientists who presented their findings at EGU'24 will share their presentations (and allow time for discussion) during this special Science Hour. Join the session
4th EPO Open Office Hour
OnlineFocus audience: everyone Open questions
Eddy activity in the high-latitude Southern Ocean and its response to climate change + Sea Ice Bug
OnlineOn June 17, 2024, AWI’s Nathan Beech will be hosting the 1st Storms, Eddies and Science Hour, on eddy activity in the high-latitude Southern Ocean and its response to climate change. This joint nextGEMS-WarmWorld-EERIE webinar will also feature Ulrike Proske and Jan Gärtner discussing the Sea Ice Bug. Join the session
Efficient spin-up of Earth System Models using sequence acceleration
OnlineUniversity of Oxford's Samar Khatiwala will speak about efficient spin-up of Earth System Models using sequence acceleration in this Storms, Eddies and Science Hour, a joint nextGEMS, WarmWorld and EERIE project online seminar. Join the session
Reducing carbon footprint of climate modelling
OnlineBarcelona Supercomputing Center's Mario Acosta will talk about reducing the carbon footprint of climate modelling in a new EERIE, WarmWorld and nextGEMS online seminar hosted by University of Reading's Pier Luigi Vidale. Join the session
Storms, Eddies and Science
OnlineThe following EERIE project scientists will present the topics below in a Storms, Eddies and Science Hour 10-minute format: Mulalo Maphugwi (University of Cape Town): “The influence of ocean mesoscale on long-lived convective storms over the east coast of southern Africa using high resolution models”. Stephy Libera (Université catholique de Louvain): “Eddy-ice interaction under Antarctic …
Storms, Eddies and Science
OnlineThe following EERIE project scientists will present the topics below in a Storms, Eddies and Science Hour 10-minute format, leading up to the General Assembly 2024: Amanda Frigola (Barcelona Supercomputing Center): “The North Atlantic mean state in eddy-resolving models: a multimodel study” Benoît Laurent (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique): “Contribution of eddy variability to …
General Assembly 2024
OnlineEERIE scientists will discuss the progress of the project on November 5-6 during the 2024 General Assembly. It will be an online event. Timetable
Storms, Eddies and Science
OnlineOur 10-minute presentation format Storms, Eddies and Science Hour will feature the following EERIE project scientists and topics related to Machine Learning methods used in EERIE: Jan-Hendrik Malles (UBREMEN): "Introduction to causal model evaluation and first results from EERIE" Bobby Antonio (UOXF): "Investigating the use of a machine learning atmospheric emulator in spinning up an …
Storms, Eddies and Science
OnlineOur 10-minute presentation format Storms, Eddies and Science Hour will feature the following EERIE project scientists and topics: Ting-Chen Chen (UC Louvain): 'Southern Annular Mode (SAM) Persistence and Westerly Jet: A Reassessment Using High-Resolution Models'. Fraser Goldsworth (MPI-M): 'The fate of freshwater around the coast of Greenland: insights from an eddying climate model'. The session …
General Assembly at ETH Zürich
ETH Zurich Universitätsstrasse 16, Zürich, SwitzerlandEERIE participants will convene in-person for the second time. After a successful General Assembly at the AWI Headaquarters in Bremerhaven (Germany) in November 2023, this time EERIE associate partner ETH Zürich will be hosting the meeting in its premises in the Swiss city. Overview Timetable How to get there